Monday, 13 July 2015

The 11 Keystones to Improvement

Does your business have the skills, leadership & vision to drive Continuous Improvement?

In my first two blogs we looked at what Continuous Improvement actually means and the guiding principles behind it. Part 3 introduces the areas of any business that are key to improving quality, output and performance. I call these The 11 Keystones to Improvement:

1.    Leadership
2.    Strategy
3.    Empowered Teams
4.    Skills
5.    Standardisation
6.    Workplace Organisation & Visual Management
7.    Planning & Resources
8.    Inventory & On Time Delivery
9.    Built in Quality
10.  Innovation
11.  Delivery of Value

The link will take you to an explanation of the Keystones and the importance you should place upon them if starting a CI drive in your business. (you may need to open in google Chrome to access):

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